Saturday, 24 October 2015

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Tuesday 20th October: Ugo Rondinone at Sadie Coles

Final day to catch "Clouds + Mountains + Waterfalls" by Ugo Rondinone at Sadie Coles til 21st October
62 Kingly Street, London W1

Monday, 19 October 2015

Monday 19th October: "Running Naked" at TJ. Boulting

Icelandic, New York based artist Shoplifter has been in London for Frieze Art Fair week, taking part in a group show at nearby TJ.Boulting.  The "Running Naked" exhibition is a collaboration of 3 artist's individual styles morphing into a brand new body of work.  The trio of friends have come together in joint force for the first time, fusing the multicolour visions of AVAF (Assume Vivid Astro Focus), Cibelle Cavalli Bastos & Shoppy.   For example, AVAF's soft digital print "Vertigo Anxiety" has a Shoppy hair sculpture addition and sits ontop of Cibelle's oil cloth patchwork flooring.   The riot of colour on every surface is an equal equation of a spectrum sum in one complete cosmic outcome.  Obviously a dream for me to visit in this technicolour world and have the chance to see Shoppy brighten up our city with her joyous vibes, thanks to TJ. Boulting.

See archive posts on AVAF in NYC here, and Shoppy at Trolley here.