Saturday, 16 August 2008

Saturday 16th August: Cut The Brand

The last Friday late event at the V&A was "Cut The Brand" installation by artist/fashion designer NOKI. It took place in an empty shop on exhibition road which is the official off-site venue for the Fashion Vs. Sport exhibition. You were invited to chose a T-Shirt from a rail of rainbow 2nd hand stock and turn it into yarn. After choosing an orange addidas number, I learnt how to cut it into shredds and loop them into a continuous thread. All the balls of NOKI-NHS-DNA-YARN is going to be turned into garments for his S/S garments. During the evening a mini dress was made by Dr. Hook crocheting onto a panel of a leather jacket. After being modelled by Carly it was then styled as a snood on a mannequin in the window for the next day's session.

It was a really fun evening to witness the concentration on people's faces as they got to grips with the whole process. The atmosphere was a lush relaxed vibe with JJ Hudson's dog "Bail" toddling around helping with the proceedings. I found out how he got his name .........JJ got him from a rescue home and literally bailed him out!

I have borrowed these photographs by Olivia Hemmingway from the FvsSport live blog.........

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