Friday, 5 September 2008

Friday 5th Sept: Design Cities

We headed along the river, through the newly planted highrisers and fountains, for the opening of "Design Cities" at The Design Museum. It is a neat history of contemporary design from cities at their most creative hey day: London (1851), Vienna (1908), Dessau (1928), Paris (1936), Los Angeles (1949), Milan (1957), Tokyo (1987) and London (2008).
It starts with London and William Morris and ends full circle back to current London with Peter Saville and Paul Smith. It felt quite nice to be appreciating the possibility of international focus back on London, standing in this special space on South Bank. Although the design crowd wear far too much black for my liking!

Along the way are some classic pieces of furniture, industrial design, print and textiles. I wanted more from the Dessau Bahaus section but thats just because it is my favourite era and I can't get enough!

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