Saturday, 3 January 2009

3rd Jan 2009: Good Day, Bad Day Part II

Our studio is always tuned into BBC Radio 6 and the highlight of the day for me is Steve Lamaccq. I spent my formative years listening to him and Jo Whiley every night presenting The Evening Session and used to tape and catalogue each session like the otaku indie kid I was. So now I'm so pleased he still presents a daily show. However I occasionally get riled with the feature "Good Day, Bad Day" when guests who phone in are so boring! It got to breaking point and I emailed in. The result?! I somehow managed ending up doing it myself?! The 1st one of 2009 which was quite cute. He was really sweet and it was actually a bit of a moment for me to get to talk to the man who helped me get through the dark days of school.
In an ironic and predictable outcome, I accidentally fell into the trap that I hate by being totally unoriginal and saying the same droll thing everyone else says. It was a "good day" just because I got to do "Good Day Bad Day". So shoot me?! Or have a go yourself, just email in.................

Here was my good day record:

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