Friday, 20 March 2009

Friday 20th March: I love London, Zaiba Jabbar

I recently had the pleasure of meeting female film maker Zaiba Jabbar who was another director included in the Birds Eye View fashion screening for her David David short for S/S 09. During London fashion week she trawled the various events capturing the faces and places in a series of stop frame animations that she has compiled into a short film. This contribution for is a full 6 mins jam packed with the best insight into the atmostphere of the antics which pisses (please excuse my language) on any party pic pages that may have cropped up in the press. By asking fashion folk to blow a kiss into her camera, Zaiba has linked the love to a soundtrack by Crystal Fighters. Not only is this shot in a unique way but its a unique and informed experience of living life to the max at LFW.

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