Friday, 27 March 2009

Friday 27th March: SHOWing out

No its not Mel 'n' Kim but rather more Laura 'n' Alex of SHOWstudio have spent the last couple of months orchestrating the relocation with military precision. The final schlep took place yesterday with the events monitored on the site's twitter feed whilst the usual webcams were down. I asked Laura to get some snaps of the event and true to her word here are some beautiful shots capturing the turning of the page onto the next chapter. Here are some of the 80+ boxes that have the previous 9 years correspondence archived - where else would you get Massive Attack, Bless and Brad Pitt in the same stack?! Once everything was out the Ironmonger residency it looked somewhat like this..............and the new Mayfair dwelling with the iconic dollar sign finding its feet in new soil. So either hook into the twitter for up to the minute details of the final unpacking today or check the site next week when the cameras are rolling and the exact territory disclosed.

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