Friday, 25 September 2009

Fri 25th Sept: House Of Cards Part 1

I hop'skip'n'jumped my way into town on my potentially first free day for see the ears on Alber Elbaz by Tim Walker at the "House of Cards" exhibition.  In the fate of London street-meets I passed the JCDC boutique and picked up Jamie E17 who also wanted to go check out Charlie Le Mindu's hair in the Basso & Brooke artwork on display.  
It was worth the trip for these two efforts alone but there were 50 other treats in store.  An entire pack of cards has been commissioned from a list of artists and designers that is a nice spectrum of talent to rally together some funds for the charity Shelter.  The final artworks range from soft sculpture, hand screen print, paper-cut, collage, perspex, taxidermy...........that probably gives away some of the artists involved...........but I'll leave it to you to go for yourself and not give away the surprises!  
The exhibition is up for auction which will take place on Monday so make sure you visit over the weekend to place your secret ballot.  There are also actual packs of the playing cards as a limited run of 1000 in a collectors leather box, size A5 priced at £70.   So that's just £1.30 per playing card which is a work of art in itself and a more accessible way to help the fundraiser if you are out of pocket to purchase one of the originals.....................

(Namalee models for Basso & Brooke, Julie V, David Bailey (FYI Holly - that's Penelope Tree), McQueen's crown with Rachel Thomas hanging in the background, Tim Walker, Marc Quinn)

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