Monday, 14 December 2009

Mon 14th Dec: Amelia's Anthology of Illustration

Here is Andy Merritt (of Merritt studio) who is one of the artists that has decorated a wall at Concrete Hermit to launch the book "Amelia's Anthology of Illustration" that he has contributed to.  The book is a limited edition run featuring a compilation of emerging and exciting illustrators who answered an open brief on alternative technology via Amelia's website.  
"In this illustration I want to see ways that a new technology would be integrated into our future lives… so interaction with the surroundings or people will be good. This is not a technical illustration, it’s an aspirational one, but you should imagine this technology in some detail, however fantastical it may be."
To see the final selection of internationally submitted imaginative responses to this brief.........order your copy of the signed publication by Amelia herself..........who is the daughter of 2 scientists this project has been particularly close to her addition to being her first official book since the last issue of her periodical..........and her constant pursuit in encouragement for discovering, showcasing and supporting new talent.

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