On a Hockney tip, here are 10 portraits of Celia Birtwell that I have scanned from an amazing little book I found on Saturday..........
"Portraits aren't just made up of drawing, they are made up of other insights as well. Celia is one of the few girls I know really well. I've drawn her so many times and knowing her makes it always slightly different. I don't bother about getting the likeness in their face because I know it so well. She has may faces and I think if you looked through all the drawings Ive done of her , you'd see that they don't look alike....Celia has a beautiful face, a very rare face with lots of things in it which appeal to me. It shows aspects of her, like her intuitive knowledge and her kindness, which I think is the greatest virtue. To me she's such a special person."
One of these (6th down) was hanging on the stairwell of my best friend's house in Birmingham when I was growing up. I used to stop and look at it all the time, and have only just realised why! That explains my enduring Hockney obsession then.....