Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Weds 1 Sept: Review on Fashion Collective

Thanks to Disney Roller Girl for writing a concise and complimentary analysis of my blog for her artile on Fashion's Colletive. She sites 4 other titles in her "Best Top Fashion Blogs" including: 00o00, cocosteaparty, thatsnotmyage, and my fave from the list sophyrobson. So there's a few links to check out if you don't already know..........including Fashion's Collective itself.............brrrrrrrrrrilliant!

Fred Butler Style

More and more fashion professionals are launching blogs as their own personal day-to-day PR news feed. These bloggers talk about the projects they’re working on and the things that inspire them. It’s a clever way to engage with the public and also secure more business. The unstoppable accessory and prop designer, Fred Butler is a prolific blogger who has reported on her own projects and those of her London fashion and art friends for the past three years. She has perfectly utilized the power of social media to propel her brand. From her blog you get a clear sense of what she’s about as a designer and a nose into her rainbow-hued life as a young creative.

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