Hark is a new collaborative venture from Andy Macgregor and Audrey Roger who have joined forces on an exhibition that has been six months in the making. The duo found each other last year through a shared fondness for forms in nature and a predisposition to working with both pattern and paper. To fuse both of their styles for a combined duel aesthetic they have researched Totem Poles, Children’s playing blocks, Central & South American & African art "and of course Mother Nature herself" to invent their own spiritual stacking shapes. Here are documentation images of work in progress developing the 3D paper abstract totems to fill the gallery at Old Shoreditch Station. The early gif is a little indication to the additional stop-frame animation works that will accompany the tessellating tactile sculptures exploring distortion, repetition and symmetry. The large scale installations have been translated into table top size totem ornaments as products for the shop put together with carpentry skills from Michael Marriott and the print wizardry of Jonas Ranson.
This project is entirely self initiated and magically motivated so I can't wait to see the outcome which will be a joyous celebration of having fun in creating colourful graphic artworks from paper.......... right up my street! The show will be at No.1 Kingsland Road from 27th Jan .......... a date to put in your new year's diary!
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thanx you are amazing super! thanks!