Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Mon 23rd Jan: Nike+ Fuel Band launch, NYC at Roberta's Pizzeria

After the work-out and almost reaching our ultimate Nike+ Fuel points goal, it was time to recharge our bodies with fuel ........... in an active culinary class which took the form of an authentic Italian Stone baked pizza workshop at Roberta's. We learnt that flinging the dough around is actually an affection which results in loosing vital air pockets to aid rising so we perfected the knuckle roll and pattacake rotation technique! Never touch the outside rim so that the crust stays light and airy............ use tinned tomatoes for the sauce as they were canned fresh from the tree which is tastier than raw ones which have sat around .............. Mozzarella loses flavour so these guys make their own every morning................ sling on whatever topping you fancy - arugula gives a crispy addition I didn't know about.......... but I actually put EVERYTHING on mine .......... just to see, like ............ artichoke, olives, mushrooms, roasted red peppers, garlic, speck................. spectacular! All washed down with homestyle lemonade and a mug of cwarfee..............

This was the best pizza I have ever sampled in my life. It was prepared and cooked within 10 minutes so I could still taste the essence from inhaling the scents whilst layering the multi-colour topping. The crust was steaming with the stone oven smoke.......... I don't think any pizza will ever live up to this one. The complete fun experience of baking with the Bridgerunners made it taste all the more out of this world!
Props to Nike for introducing us to the art of proper pizza making!

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