Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Wednesday 31st July: BLOG TAKEOVER Ciara and Nicci do DALSTON HOUSE.

So we finally made it down to the Dalston House installation, part of Beyond Barbican. Its creator is the master of illusion Leandro Erlich who, according to our leaflet, is 'critically acclaimed for creating installations that turn ordinary situations into extraordinary experiences'. For this piece, Erlich has created the facade of a Victorian terraced house lying on the ground beneath a mirrored structure suspended at a 45 degree angle. The mirror reflects the full length of the house front and gives the illusion of people crawling up (or falling down) the walls.  

Initially we were a little off put by the queueing time which is between 30/45 mins. However, this is all part and parcel of the experience and we ended up really enjoying it. It was great to see people's creativity as they really engaged with the installation, planning poses in the queue and inventively using props to create a really convincing illusion. Since having a go ourselves we decided it was actually a lot more fun to watch other people! It's really tricky to take your own photos whilst lying down and trying to look like you're falling...

If you haven't already made it down to Ashwin Street to check it out, you have until this weekend. There is also going to be a workshop "The Mirrors of the Mind" with Guerilla Science from 2-5pm on both Saturday and Sunday. We definitely recommend it, especially if there are a few children you can take along with you!

The leaflet had a ton of information and activities in for amusing yourself whilst you're in the queue, so Nicci decided to draw a Fred Butler Dalston House.

This has been a blog take over by Ciara and Nicci from Fred Butler HQ

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