Tuesday, 3 June 2014

June 3rd: NYC Day 1

Here I am, back in my 2nd home and beloved Big Apple.  This week marks the 10th Anniversary of the first urban running crew forming and to mark the occasion NYC's BridgeRunners have planned a big blow-out "Bridge The Gap".  To explain - the movement that began running over the Brooklyn bridge has born an international extended family which connects all the World's capital's separate crews who travel to each city's homes for reunions.  This usually involves a weekend break to coincide with a marathon or race but this is a very special 7 day event programme which has attracted runners to fly in from all across the globe.  I arrived last night and here are a few snaps from my wanderings including a Kenny Scharf graffiti, Kavat Mask from Papua New Guinea at The Museum Of Primitive Art, and meeting up with some fellow Londoners L-R Troy The Magician, Sami Janjer and Nathaniel Cole.

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