Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Weds 4th June: NYC Day 2 - #BTGNYC "Can You Dig It" Part 2

The first event of the BridgeRunners  #BridgeTheGap week of activities was an introduction into urban running in their home city with a 5 Mile route which was the first they ever took when forming.  This involved following a pied-piper style soundstystem on a push bike, holding traffic and storming the streets running thru red lights, going over the Brooklyn Bridge to Biggie Smalls neighbourhood and back over Williamsburg bridge.  What started off in the daylight, ended in nightfall and returning across the river to a lit-up city scape of Manhattan's Lower East Side.  We were then treated to local Italian pasta and a potted history of how the area has changed since founder Mike Saes grew up in the community.  This was a real first experience for me and one I'll never forget - running in the warm June night thru all the Chinatown lanes I have nostalgic attachments to and then crossing the water, snaking our way along the wooden boarded bridges to a Brooklyn I've never witnessed before.  From Hong Kong to Amsterdam we all united in sweating our souls out and have been reborn, brand new for the next day of #crewlove to ensue....................
(Top to bottom, UK's RunDemCrew founder Charlie Dark, my inaugural bridge crossing, RunWest's Corey, BoilerRoom's Skinny Macho,  Charlie, NYC BridgeRunners founder Mike Saes, Copenhagen's NBRO founder Troels and crew ...... the entire #BRidgeTheGapAllPlanet ) 

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