Thursday, 3 September 2015

Thursday 3rd Sept: Notting Hill Carnival - Monday Parade / The Grand Finale

After the initial children's parade on Sunday, the Mas bands pull out all the stops and bring out all the costumes for the grand finale.  Here is a mix of some of those looks to show the broad spectrum of colours and techniques including from top to bottom:  United Colours Of Mas, Airam Designs, TouchDSky's Moko Jumbie stilt walkers, Sunshine International Arts, Resurrection Carnival, Flagz Mas Band, Tropical Isles, Bacchanalia.  It has been a great honour for me to have come on board as Patron for the Carnival Art & Masquerade Foundation of Notting Hill Carnival and I have learnt so much in the past weeks.  From visiting the Mas Camps to see where the costumes were being made and dance routines being choreographed, it helped me identify and appreciate each one as they rolled into view.  I stood for the duration of both days snapping away and capturing the buzz to document this crucial art form.  I half suspect I may be involved in helping making something again next year so I enjoyed every minute of being free to witness the spectacle as a punter.  Its truly the most joyous annual experience I look forward to more than Christmas.  I really wish that one day I may be able to visit the original Trinidad & Tobago Carnival ............... putting the fete feelers out there..............
The highlight of the whole weekend was running down the road after a rainbow and when she turned round, it turned out to be Angel Dee from RunDemCrew who I know!  Magic!    
(Top photo with Sophia Wassiville Joseph a.k.a Miss Trinidad & Tobago UK 2014) 

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