Friday 17 April 2009

Friday 17th April: Eureka!

My motto is to live everyday as if it were your last...................burn the candle at both ends...................sleep when you die............
So when I get asked to do things, I rarely turn down an offer. I want to experience everything, even if it is terrifying and distinctly not my bag. So when I was approached to take part in an evening at The Design Museum I said yes without really knowing what it was. As it is a night of events in conjunction with the current Hussein Chalayan exhibition and it looks like its going to be really fascinating with a comprehensive list of happenings. Its very exciting to be billed alongside the following designers but also very scary because I have volunteered my services to run a workshop on how to make accessories! I like a good challenge!? So far I have managed to confront my social skill inadequacies by taking part in TV and college lectures, so I'm gonna give this my best shot. As long as Mr.Chalayan doesn't come and sit in on the proceedings to judge my glue-gun antics that is! Here is the official blurb for more constructive enlightenment on the goings on :

Inspired by the work of Hussein Chalayan, there will be a number of presentations, in various formats, of subtle and highly intuitive ideas from today's emerging designers with innovations in menswear, accessories, print, colour, knitting and tailoring. This is a chance to see their work – not just on display but also in action.

Highlights include a talk on intellectual property and how this is becoming increasingly relevant for today's designer, an open forum with the designers discussing their work and role in fashion and a special presentation by shoe designer Rosemary Wallin. Visitors can also participate in workshops led by accessories designer Fred Butler and be entertained by classical music and DJs throughout the night at the ground floor bar.

The designers participating in Eureka Night include:
Innovations in knits: Cooperative Designs, Derek Lawlor, & Sandra Backlund
Innovations in tailoring: Timothy Lee, Nicola Morgan
Innovations in fabric treatment: Kinga Malisz & Iris Van Herpen
Innovations in menswear: Katie Eary & James Long
Innovations in print and colour: Gemma Slack & Rohan Kale
Innovations in footwear: Rosemary Wallin
Innovations in accessories: Piers Atkinson, Maria Francesca Pepe, & Fred Butler

Here is the flyer which I'm mega chuffed with as my accessories are in the imagery and also here are two Chalayan flick books from past exhibitions and the current catalogue designed by ABAKE.


  1. Oh I want to go! You'll be fab, what's there to worry about... Am going to have a look at the Design Museum site now...

  2. Thank you for the positivity!
    From 6-7, there is also a NOKI film presentation by Mark Lebon at the LCF building in town so lots of options to mull over for that night!...................
