Friday 5 February 2010

Fri 5th Feb: Three ASFOUR S/S 2010

Whilst three ASFOUR are just wrapping up their new collection in preparation for the A/W show in NYC on 16th, I wanted to remind us all of the beautiful S/S show that they collaborated on with Yoko Ono.  The team worked close with the artist having access to her rarely seen dot drawings for inspiration to create the concentric prints that feature on the silk fabrics.  In keeping with the connection, the catwalk show was a choreographed piece in homage to Ono's own "Cut Piece" performance from 1965 when she invited the audience to cut her clothing.  You can see in the top image here the dress that was slowly sliced away with scissors during the unveiling of the collection to reveal a bathing suit at the end.  The rest of the garments had signature three ASFOUR swirling seams, circumnavigating the female anatomical planes and curves. Mesh panel leggings walked out alongside circular cut out detail catsuits and flowing floaty ruffle dresses.  You can see a video of the show here or just inspect each of these gorgeous look-book images shot by their very good friend Marcelo Krasilcic which they have sent me to share with you.


  1. absolutely loved this collection when i first saw it. seeing these images has made me love it even more - a haunting, ethereal feel to it..
