Stephen Doherty has taken residency at The Hackney Shop for a week's live studio and gallery of previous work. Life-studies in charcoal hang alongside pastel drawings and water-colour florals with some turned into screen-prints. These have been framed and others embroidered as textile reliefs into garmerts, displayed on rails he has installed amongst 2D canvases. I love both his loose illustrative flow of drawn line in the portraits and the deep wash and scratches in brush strokes of petals. The bleeding pigment is almost abstract to the human eye but ends up looking photo-real when captured here! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
All drawings and prints are available to purchase and garments available to order, prices starting at £35.00. .............. or just pop in for a cup of tea with the artist himself.
The shop will be open from Thursday 17th – Sunday 20th March
10am - 6pm.
The shop will be open from Thursday 17th – Sunday 20th March
10am - 6pm.