I met up with the third member of Victor & Rolf at the Barbican for thier new London show. No, Im only joking of course! This is Peter and Emma who I graduated with in 2003. We had a lovely impromtu reunion where we all ended up at the late night opening (the fashion slaves that we are).
This exhibition is *sick. Sick for so many different reasons. But essentially just because Victor & Rolf themselves are sick. To have been so prolific with so many insanely truly inventive concepts. Where is there left to go? They seem to have covered every conciebale idea that has never been thought of before. Then pushed it to the limit of earthly possibity. This show houses the whole shibang and reminds you of all the details that you have either forgotton or just missed the 1st time around.
The other notable trumph that needs to be flagged up, is the precision of The Barbican's curation. I had even forgotton this factor..........that The Barbican is so spot on in pushing boundries...............
*Sick: So good, it makes you feel a bit ill