............so to the donkey which has a starring role in one of Copeman's most recent projects for French artist Emma Daumas. Here are some of Jame's Polaroids from the shoot in October and my top quality hard-hitting journalistically sound questions which he has answered with a healthy pinch of salt for an enlighteningly honest insight to his particular approach:
How did you first get involved with videos crossing over from motion graphics?-i got bored stuck indoors, behind a computer animating stuff at mtv. so i approached some bands i was listening to and as soon as one said yes i nicked a load of mtv equipment and shot it.
How much do you get involved with the hands-on side.................do you make any props/sets/costumes?- im pretty hands on, i made/bought all the props and costumes in the early vids (with help) but as the budgets allow i try and get more help. still work pretty close with prop/sets costumes designers to make sure i get as close to what i imagine as possible.
Are your ideas subconscious or do they come from identifiable inspirations? i think they are subconsciously identifiable (vague enough answer?)
Your first promos have a charming naive quality. Is that a distinct look, special to your style that will remain when working with bigger budgets or do you think your aesthetic will evolve?-i think the aesthetic will evolve slightly as with every promo i learn somin new and refine my style, but i will constantly try to keep some aspect of ME in them.

Looking back, are there any activities you enjoyed doing when you were growing up that are actually related to what you do now?- i watched ALOT of tv, instead of making friends.
Is there a stand out music video you loved as kid? (Mine was Jackie Wilson - Reat Petite!)def! DEVO - whip it, such a great song and weird video, i'd just discovered masturbating and that video always got me goin.
What is your most treasured possession and why? my penis - we just like hangin out together
Do you have a dream client / project? id love to travel back in time and do a video for david bowie, we would then become best buddies and share an apartment in newyork together.