NOVA DANDO at LFW – A to the MAY to the ZING!
Hola, Bienvenidos et Konichiwa Butlerettes! Naomi here with a report from the Nova Dando show at swanky Covent Garden Members Club - The Hospital.
I edged myself to the front of the stage just in time to catch dance troupe House of Danger Cats vogueing their way through a routine showcasing Nova’s designs, comprising graphic print leggings and catsuits with shaggy bombers, tutus and rainbow boleros. Eye-watering fashion and shapes. The PA rumbled into life shortly after the presentation voicing everyone’s thoughts: “Ladies and Genlemen, you may have noticed that this is no ordinary fashion show . . . .
The dancers presented the message behind the collection so much more effectively than any number of glassy eyed models could, and it was a pleasure to marvel at their muscular thighs in the sexy lycra.
Fred and I have oftentimes discussed the dilemma of meeting your heroes. Is it ok to brazenly introduce yourself, even though they may have no idea who you are or why you should be talking to them? I always retort that YES you should turn every opportunity YES YES YES whereas Fabulous Fred pleads shyness and keeps herself to herself. Well, tonight I put my own theory to the test and tried my hand at a spot of celebrity hob-nobbing, on Fred’s behalf, at Nova’s presentation.
Here's Elly Jackson of La Roux, deep in the darkness of the basement club. I asked her about her relationship to Nova. “I think both me and Nova have some issues with the term ‘stylist’ but we are very close friends and we thoroughly enjoy collaborating and working together on my look.” Elly went on to bring the house down with her storming live set, in honour of the collection.
And here we have Patrick Wolf, in the lobby. Are you seeing many shows at LFW? I ventured “No. I’ve only deigned to leave my house for two shows this season. Ada Zanditon, for whom I produced the music, and Nova, tonight”. What a gentleman Patrick is, rumpled but a dandy nevertheless in his black suit and minimalist black wellies.

Emboldened by my success with Patrick and Elly I charged headlong into a conflab with fashion blogger extraordinaire, Susie Bubble. What do you love about Nova? “I really admire her work as a stylist, of course. She’s great and when it comes to accessories, there’s no one else like her” enthused La Bubble.
The dancing was followed up by a live performance by La Roux and a film projection of the collection. For the record, I carried on my hob-nobbing marathon with a chat with Nick Grimshaw of Radio 1, then by smiling purposefully at Jamie from the Klaxons. (Well, even I can't talk to everyone)
All in all a very auspicious start to the 5 day thrill that we like to call . . . . . London Fashion Week.
Naomi Attwood