Since discovering AGI & SAM last year, they are my absolute favourite installation to make a bee line for now - always exquisite colour and unapologetic fun - fantastic. This season did not disappoint and in fact bowled me over. I want the whole lot, and I'm not even a lad. The collection entitled "Tobasco, Tequila and Tomato Juice" is a fusion of (what I'm guessing) Vincent Van Gough brush strokes, Mexican wrestlers and woven textiles, basketry and mosaic Trompe-l'œil with a splash of dip dye digital rainbow. All in all, not too far removed from my own influences this season, especially the makeup by Thom Ticklemouse with the models hands flecked in paint which is what my hands have looked like from painting my fabrics this summer. The artist's "world" was reflected in the set by Luke Abby with broken pots in the same hue as the collection and name constructed from sticks on the fire place. Apparently the grand plan was to fill the sun drenched room with marigolds but health and safety stopped this pollinating plot in its tracks - something worth remembering when you visit LFW at Somerset House as many concepts are squashed with this frustrating constraint.
As I wrote in my report for The Daily, I was so impressed with the pattern continuation from pant to shoe, and the range of footwear is sublime. This is a stunning and sophisticated shift up a gear from last season's equally uplifting selection of suits and a sure fire indication of direction the duo's brand is going ........ up, up and away......... what I would really like now, is to see a whole lemon yellow look and straw fedora on David Byrne.