Like the quote on their website states .......... As William Morris said “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”..........Ochuko and Juliet are magpies for collecting curiosities that will decorate and intergrate on to your walls and in to your closet! As the run of retail spots are springing up on the stretch between Shoreditch and Stoke Newington they have expanded to a secondary location. The new sister store over the road has been named "black" as the ying to the yang of their first "white" boutique. The opening last evening showed a larger collection of tribal masks, headdresses, necklaces and chunky accessories including this stunning outfit entirely and intricately beaded from head to toe. I returned today and the stag skull used for display had already been snapped up! The fantastical feathered goods are going to be flying fast in the run up to the festive season so make sure you pop in to have a peep if you are passing by the Beyond Retro flagship which is directly opposite.
Read more over on Susie's blog ......... who I introduced to my local amenity when she came to the area for her East London report for the H&M Magazine.
Pelicans & Parrots Black at 81 Stoke Newington road.