And now for the 2nd half of the interview with Nina Ribena, the high priestess of the pantsuit.........if you like what you see, head to her shop......."We Are All In One"......we certainly are!
5) I bloody love the scene from an AbFab episode when Patsy falls out of a cab with her undone "body" flapping outside her trousers. What has been your funniest incident wearing a onesie?
It was probably at a festival in the earliest days of my onesie infatuation. I think I got a bit merry on my friends moonshine and proceeded to gallop around the whole field in my blue stinger suit (accessorised with fur stole and pink 50s swim hat) telling people that I was doing a triathlon. After falling over quite a lot and challenging a few burly men to an arm-wrestle I managed to convince the stage manager to the main dance tent that i was the DJ's special dancer for the night. I ended up dancing in front of about 500 people for the next 4 hours doing a series of 80's aerobic stretches.
6) Mr.Motivator always accessorised his onesie with a bumbag..........in your opinion what is the perfect accompaniment for a playsuit?
I've had some beautiful fur stoles that have gone really well with just plain all in ones - unfortunately I've lost them all. I've also got a bit of a collection of fox tails that I like pinning to my bum - they look really good with tight all in ones.
7) What has been the strangest commission you have had so far?
I've had quite a few....but I think the strangest was from a group of 10 investment bankers who wanted matching all in ones in an array of colours for the Burning Man Festival. They wanted them to all be in tight spandex before I explained to them they'd probably die from heat exhaustion...
I've matching tartan all in ones for a mother, father and baby!
8) You have produced some African print playsuits...........who would be your dream label to collaborate with for fabrics?
But generally I tend to look at illustrators work for pattern inspiration. I really like looking at Yerin Tong's trippy work and I'm actually collaborating with an illustrator/printer/brew maker called Himbad Indestructomator at the moment to produce some really eye-popping printed all in ones. They should be available to buy in Beyond the Valley in the Spring.
9) Do you have a muse? Who would you most like to wear one of your onesie's?
I don't have a muse yet. I'm on the look-out and still accepting applications! I'd love someone like M.I.A to wear my stuff....Florence Welch also loves a good onesie, I quite like to make her one. Purely for the fact that i could make something completely nuts and she'd wear it - Lady Gaga.
10) What was your favourite onesie from last season's collections?
It's pretty simple but I think I'd say House of Holland's denim cupped leotard. I just like the whole chicness of it and i think the hair/make-up/glasses make it look uber cool.
11) What is next for "we are all in one"?
Lots. I'm really enjoying printing my own fabric at the moment so you can expect to see a lot of flamingoes, puffins and multi-coloured leopardskin prints making appearances on my designs soon!
I'm also planning an exhibition of all my designs to be shown at the end of the year which is going to involve a mixture of fashion, art and theatrics - all in onesies, of course.
It's going to be a busy year!

All Photography:
Dan Wilton (portfolio)