When you see press images of this show, its instantly very pleasing. BUT wait till you go. You have to go and see it in person and get up close. I might have now ruined it for you but I had to get detailed shots to explain what I mean. I initially presumed that it was perspex but infact, it's intricate wire structures upholstered in pastel polyester mesh. The finish is unbelievably fine with every twist and turn of cornercing and keyholes. Do Ho Suh has constructed accurate representations of all the spaces that have surrounded his life story to date. This spans his birthplace of South Korea to his studies in New York in the States, then Berlin and latterly London. Whilst you can walk around these multi-colour corridors upstairs, there are other sewn walls pressed and framed as 2D artworks in the main gallery. Both are beautiful, exquisite and endearing. Technically I loved it as I'm familiar with the process of trying to cut a pattern for a prop of real-life objects and its HARD. Irrespective of the impressive application of media, its just really calming and satisfying to visit. There's something cosmic about a spectrum and this rainbow of rooms is really magic. "Passage/s" at Victoria Miro I & II till 18 March 2017
Fresh after the weekend's Women's March On London, NOW Gallery held a "Women In Fashion" symposium as part of the programme for their current show "What I Like" by Molly Goddard. We sat down to dinner above the main gallery with a view of the Millennium Dome and table of hand crafted flygaric mushrooms by Molly's mother and co-curator Sarah Edwards. The designer gave an interview as insight to her installation alongside curators from the V&A who talked thru the upcoming Balenciaga exhibition (the UK's first!). Each course by Craft London was interspersed with these presentations, including shoe designer Tracy Neules sharing her inspirations including a collection of patterned match-boxes. Not only was each dish accompanied by a complimentary wine but also an entertaining and revealing speech. It was a real treat to be brought together in such great company and have the opportunity to meet and get to know creatives who might not have come together in this way. A week on, my gifted bouquet of ranunculus by Scarlet & Violet is still going strong! A cosmic memento from a real one-off event!
Molly's show of tulle dresses displayed for the public to embroider is still on till the 22nd of Februrary with a closing event, see more details here.
G.H Smith have opened a new showroom in London to not only have a physical shopfront for their papers and services but also act as a gallery space. Here is the first installation by their collaborators Made Thought who have used Colour Plan paper to make a spectrum tidal wave of all the hues. They are currently running a competition to find out the world's favourite colour - the winner will have the colour paper named after them and a set of personalised stationary. Select your colour and enter at: http://worldsfavouritecolour.com/