Friedrich bought a pair of bass shakers that are usually used to make a car move with its sound system but here they have been transformed into a drawing tool. I daren't attempt any more explanation so here is the blurb and the final video:
Q: What ist “Paint My Bass”?
A: PMB is the little brother of Pimp My Ride.
A: An audio installation with a Bass Shaker. That is a loudspeaker producing frequencies from 20-100Hz. A visitor can plug an iPod and play music with heavy bass. Thus the music becomes the ‘gas’ for the Shaker to move/vibrate on the ground. While moving about, one can paint some traces.
Q: What kind of music works best?
A: Bass lines in the range from 20-100Hz. Mostly techno music is dealing in such a low realm. Noisemakers etc. would work too. With some pitch shifting any input can be mapped to the target range. Meaning it could also be performed live…
A: From all the tracks I tried, ‘AA XXX’ from ‘Peaches’ works best. It has a low and driving bass line that unfolds a miracle.

Paint My Bass from Raphael Perret on Vimeo.