Saturday 25 August 2012

Sat Aug 25th: Incoming images of Paved With Gold by ISYS

Here are photos from last night's 
Paved With Gold event that I have borrowed from Ronojoy Dam a.k.a Instadam.  ISYS took over the new Tank space at the Tate Modern (see previous post) for one night, showing five films with five tracks played by a mini youth orchestra.  The spectacle was filmed so I'll follow this up again with a link to that footage to share the experience of this immense collaboration between ISYS and NTSLive 
with specially composed music by VondelparkSlimeDark Sky, CKTRL, My Panda Shall Fly and RPBLC of Many Voices .......................featuring visuals from James Pearson-Howes,Tara ManandharCassie ClarkeLewis Teague Wright.  Wish I had been there to see and hear it !  Congratulations Nina and Cieron!

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