My friend Neel took me to the 1st night of the Kylie tour at the 02 arena. The set is an incredible floor of LED's which link up to the backdrop screen. As the production of dancers move around the floor, the light show flickers patterns beneath and around them. The outfit changes were a blend of Jean Paul Gaultier, Stevie Stewart, David Holah, Gareth Pugh, Gloved Up accessories and Emma Roach props. Her voice was on fine form and so were the devotee audience who left thier seats and danced in the alleyways, and then later instigated sing-a-longs on the tube ride home...........
My camera has broken so i am relying on my computer snapshot for images at the moment. Here are some pictures from 2004 when we dressed up for a rainbow brite photobooth and a postcard he once sent me with his motto "live life to the full........have fun". And that is exactly what we did last night................Thanks Neel!