My Jacket which inspires me as I wear it

Layering Papers

Components being made

Invitations made from leftover scraps

Sketches and inspirations

The origianl origami experimentation

Tetris patchwork paper

Kim Howells in meeting, working out shapes with the body
The Daily asked me to send them some studio shots of the work in progress for an article on their site so here are some of those images and what I wrote for them.....
"The palette of the last two seasons has been silver and gold metallics, so A/W 2011 is a return to my signature psychedelic spectrum of colour. I’ve stripped back use of layering materials and concentrated on the purity of paper and paper folding. Shapes and silhouettes employ a new technique developed in my ongoing exploration into origami. On a recent trip back to my favourite haunts of China Town NYC, I realized that origami is an infinite craft of possibilities with no limits. My new collection is an experiment in pushing these boundaries utilizing both the top and bottom conflicting surfaces of structures for contrast in texture.
Here are images of patchwork paper, playing around with painting via collage instead of actual paint. I’ve transposed my hobby and routes of designing paper-cut art into my accessories. Accumulating origami squares is the best source for collecting rare colour and I initially fell in love with the craft by default, looking at instruction manuals when I bought the packs of paper. I wanted to celebrate this history to my story and run with the idea.
My collaborator
Elisha Smith-Leverock has taken this direction of playfulness into her treatment for our fourth fashion film together. The individual pieces of the collection can be worn separately or slot together to make a sequence of armour to incase the body. Elisha has picked out the basic forms from the technique and wants to turn the shape into an oversized set to create an geometric world for the model to inhabit. It’s going to be a jack-in-the-box sequence with a techno soundtrack to build a crescendo of fun and invigorating emotion. An explosion of colour will carry through from the scraps of on my studio floor to the final cut of the film.
See the original article