Friday, 29 November 2013

Friday 29th Nov: Guest Post - Paloma Faith's "Faith in Art"

My second exhibition of the day was Paloma Faith's "Faith in Art", at The Gallery In Redchurch Street.  This is another one like WORK | HOME | OUT yesterday which ends soon, and is another must see!

The imagery explores and shows the features Paloma has become so famous for, and the ones we all adore for, since her debut album in 2009. Curated by Paloma herself, along with Album Artists. The exhibition contains images of Paloma taken by David Standish, Finlay MacKay, and live photography by Saul. 

Faith is displayed in all of her glory, throughout her Live concerts, as well as the beautiful album work we are familiar with. Portraying her visionary unique aesthetic, in the dramatic show style that she does best! 

The Gallery in Redchurch Street, 28th November- 1st December. 50 Redchurch St, E2

Words and pictures by Charlie Milton, except private view portrait of Paloma by Fred.

(See Fred's first post on Paloma Faith, detailing the release of "Stone Cold Sober" and the art direction "No Days Off")

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Thursday 28th Nov: Guest Post - Studiograbdown's Work Home Out

WORK | HOME | OUT A project comprised by Studiograbdown, currently situated at The Rose Lipman Building in Dalston. The space is only available to see until tomorrow and it's incredible, so hurry on down! Presented by Slashstroke, and The Mill Co.

The space is based around Studiograbdown's own personal encyclopaedia of imagery, including selfies and past events. These images are displayed as the first thing you see on entrance - as these were the basis of inspiration for the large scale installations curated by artist Eleanor Davies.

Each area allows you to experiment with your own photography, and disposable camera's which will create a narrative documenting peoples different reactions and experiences within the spaces.

An exhibit which allows the viewer to enter a world they know from an entirely new perspective. Entirely created on collaboration, which transports you from a world you recognise somewhere else. It's definitely a priority if you've got some spare time!

Words and Pictures By Charlie Minton - except last photo of Amy & Charlie by StudioGD

Monday, 25 November 2013

Monday 25th Nov: RunDemCrew Youngers Women's Program

You may have detected a new running directional slant to my life via this blog and here is another twist to the RunDemCrew cheetah's tail.  The founder of my running club (Charlie Dark) set up an initiative called "Youngers" to "get into the heartbeat of the younger generation, and give them the tools to change their lives through sport and creativity".  Here is the latest venture in association with the movement that has a female specific targeted outreach.  "RDC Youngers Women's Programme" is a women's empowerment project aimed at getting young women to make fitness a part of their lives and educate them in how it can empower and motivate them to be and feel amazing!

"As a group of women we know that navigating the media portrayal of how we should look is challenging and occasionally infuriating.  For young women especially we know that body image issues can cause huge problems with confidence, self esteem and even depression. Advertising and Media often tell us that we are not good enough as we are. What we aren’t told is that being active, fit and healthy is the best way to feel empowered, inspired and motivated for all areas of our lives.  We believe that donning some trainers and getting into the community of women (of all shapes, sizes and cultural backgrounds) in London embracing fitness at every level is an amazing way to own our bodies and feel empowered to achieve great things. "

They are working initially with City of Westminster college, holding a series of fitness workshops and asked a few of us RunDemCrew runners to inspire the students to sign up to the project.  Here I am with blogger & journalist Bangs and dj Josey Rebelle who both gave magnificent and perfectly pitched talks on their own personal experiences and how it might relate to each girl in the audience.  By the looks of it this introduction worked wonders as the final photo here shows the first week's workshops success.  Not only will the girls be coached in running but also have creative challenges set each week.  I wish I had discovered running when I was at college (rather than in my 30's) so I was more than happy to help with promoting the scheme.  I hadn't expected the bonus of discovering the amazing architecture of this college which felt like London's very own Guggenheim!

To find out more about The City of Westminster College women’s empowerment project, supported by The Parliamentors Programme, go here.

(Photos pooled from our various instagram pages)